Arizona Administrative Code Section R18-04-215 and Global Water Resources' Codes of Practice require public water systems to protect consumers from contamination caused by backflow through unprotected cross-connections by requiring the installation and periodic testing of backflow prevention assemblies. Arizona Administrative Code R14-2-405.B.6 requires that any customer’s lines be installed so as to prevent cross-connection or backflow contamination.
Accordingly, Global Water Resources requires backflow prevention assemblies to be installed and/or retrofitted at the service connection where there exists a possibility of cross-connection contamination caused by backflow.
In drinking water pipes, whether in a commercial building or a family residence, water pressure can suddenly drop for a number of reasons. Drops in water pressure can occur during high water use in the home (running all water appliances, showering, watering) or high water use in the distribution system (fire fighting, water main break). When these drops of water pressure occur, contaminated water can be siphoned back into your plumbing system through an unprotected cross connection in your home or in the distribution system.
The type of backflow prevention assembly required is determined based on the hazards present at a particular service connection. There are four categories.
Category 1: Non-residential, commercial and industrial property service lines.
Category 2: Non-exempt single-family and multi-family residences with common or dual plumbing.
Category 3: Dedicated irrigation service lines.
Category 4: Fire service lines.
Customer Responsibility for Backflow Prevention
Global Water Resources will specify, as required by its tariffs and the Arizona Administrative Code, if a backflow prevention assembly is required and the type of assembly needed for a particular service connection. Where a backflow prevention assembly is required, it must be located on the customer’s side of the service connection, downstream of the meter. The approved backflow prevention assembly is installed, owned, tested and maintained by the customer. In accordance with the Arizona Administrative Code Section R14-2-407, the customer is responsible for maintaining customer-owned equipment.
Title 14, Chapter 2 regarding Fixed Utilities and customer responsibilities is located here. Title 18, Chapter 4 regarding Safe Drinking Water, including provisions regarding backflow and cross-connection is located here. Clicking these links will take you to a third party website. Global Water is not responsible for the content or availability of these third-party websites.

Management of Backflow
Global Water Resources has engaged Backflow Solutions, Inc. (BSI Online) to help with state-mandated cross-connection and backflow tracking regulations. BSI Online will be the main point of contact for this program, and their contact information is provided below.
As North America’s leading firm in cross-connection control and backflow data management, BSI Online collaborates with over 550 water purveyors to implement effective cross-connection control programs, safeguarding our water resources. They assist water purveyors by sending notifications, addressing customer service inquiries, and managing essential data on behalf of Global Water Resources.
Testing Company Support:
o Phone: 800-414-4990
o Fax: 888-414-4990
o Email: bsionline@backflow.com
o Website: https://bsionline.com
Water Customer Support:
o Phone: 888-966-6050
o Email: support@backflow.com
All new service connections (commercial or residential) that require a backflow prevention assembly must install the backflow assembly and the certified backflow inspector must submit a passing test result within 24 hours of meter installation.
A "failed" test result must be reported within 24 hours of testing.
Backflow Prevention Tester Policy
Backflow Prevention Assembly Annual Compliance
Each backflow prevention assembly ("BPA") tester is required to complete the certified required course to become a Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. The Tester’s certificate must be current and submitted with the BPA test report. Global Water is not permitted to recognize test reports as being valid unless a copy of the BPA Tester's certificate is on file with BSI. To avoid delays in the verification of your compliance with Global Water's Backflow/Cross-Connection Control Program, please:
Use a Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester
Make sure the Tester's certificate is current and submitted with the BPA Test Report
Calibration of Test Equipment
The test equipment used for testing BPA's shall be calibrated and certified annually. Certified calibration reports shall be submitted to [. Failure to submit required certified calibration reports could result in 'non-compliance' of the program for the BPA customer. BPA testers will be held accountable to Global Water’s Tester Policy.
Submission of Backflow Prevention Assembly Testing Reports
Timely and accurate submission of testing reports is crucial for the effective operation of Global Water's Backflow/Cross-Connection Control Program. To facilitate this process, all test reports must be submitted to BSI Online, along with the Tester's certification, active calibration and the company's liability insurance.
Please note that inaccurate or incomplete reports will not be accepted. Reports that are missing information or contain inaccuracies will be returned to the tester for correction. Delays in processing may lead to a notification of non-compliance, which could result in a disruption of water service.
If you have questions regarding Global Water's Backflow/Cross-Connection Control Program, feel free to email us at backflow@gwresources.com.
Thank you for your cooperation in following the Global Water Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Policy.